Rini Hurkmans
Flag of Compassion Archive
2020 – 2021

Festivals for Compassion

Making Waves 6 is a collaboration with the open-air classical music festival Wonderfeel.

Logo Making Waves 6: Festival for Compassion

Festivals for Compassion is the sixth edition of Making Waves. This edition is a collaboration with the open-air classical music festival Wonderfeel, which takes place annually in July at the Schaap en Burgh Estate in ‘s Graveland. Because not only Wonderfeel but all festivals have been cancelled in 2020, the original idea (activities around hoisting the Flag of Compassion during the performance of a special piece of music to be composed for one instrument) has made way for a relay of online performances: with Festivals for Compassion. European festivals show their hearts full of compassion and solidarity with everyone who has been touched in any way by Corona and express that by sharing a specially written solo composition by the Greek-Dutch composer Calliope Tsoupaki.

Fagottist Thomas Dulfer brengt de Vlag van Compassie naar het festivalterrein en speelt daar een uitvoering van Thin Air. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhF1LuhcJZ8&t=24s

Foto vlnr: Pauline Voortman, Ivana Mik, Calliope Tsoupaki en George Mutsaerts

Wonderfeel took care of the production of this collaboration. By now more than 50 festivals have joined, see the timeline. The piece will have its premiere on 20 June on the Dutch radio station NPO Radio 4, the Flemish Klara will take over the baton a day later. Afterwards, the work will travel crisscross Europe and be shared digitally as in a compassionate relay from festival to festival. Festivals can download the score of THIN AIR, a composition by Calliope Tsoupaki. The participating festivals can choose the instrument and the musician themselves.

Calliope Tsoupaki, Componist des Vaderlands, ontvangt de Matthijs Vermeulenprijs 2021 voor haar compositie THIN AIR, geïnspireerd op het kunstwerk Vlag van Compassie.

THIN AIR is, amongst others, performed at the Netherlands Violin Competition and the London Festival of Baroque Music.

Festivals for Compassion: Coraline Groen for the Netherlands Violin Competition.
