Max Havelaar Lecture

Each year, the Max Havelaar Lecture is organized by the Erasmus University. On October 30, 2013, the subject is next to sustainability, fair trade and fair banking, also "true pricing". Within the context of this program Suzanne Tesselaar, board member of the Unda Foundation, gives a lecture about the importance of stories and storytelling. As an example, she uses the artwork Flag of Compassion.
“In good stories, there is always a hero, and even better, an anti-hero who becomes a hero. In the story of the Flag of Compassion, the hero is not the artist, but the one who uses the Flag, the one who uses the word, the one who propagates the philosophy of the artwork.”

Tesselaar sketches, along with photographs of friends, ambassadors and users of the Flag, a beautiful picture of how compassion is manifesting itself within the public domain. The international party is enthused by the great story and reacted very positively to the initiative.