Rini Hurkmans
Flag of Compassion Archive

AltVisions Festival

September 3-5: Flag of Compassion is exhibited at the AltVisions Festival and part of the ‘New Ways of Art’ panel at Stroom in The Hague. Rosa Marie Mulder was invited to participate in the panel as a representative of the Unda Foundation to give a presentation on what makes the Flag political and add to the panel’s discussion on the idea that alternative and artistic practices are needed to complement the logic of politicians and policymakers.

Panel Participants:
Heske ten Cate, Artistic Director NEST.
Miriam Meissner, Assistant Professor Literature and Art, Maastricht University, Researcher of project "From Minimalist Forms to Post-Growth Economies?"
Cathy Wilcock, Researcher at the ISS – EUR and musician in Gymnast (with the song 'Ghosts'), with Chris Lyon.
Myriam Braakhuis, Extinction Rebellion Red Rebels, climate activist.
Rosa Marie Mulder, Representative of the Unda Foundation, which manages and protects the conceptual artwork Flag of Compassion.
Flag of Compassion (Artwork).
Moderator: Quinsy Gario, activist (initiator Zwarte Piet is Racisme), artist and poet.

Read the presentation of Rosa Mulder.
