Book launch
On Friday June 2, the book launch of Compassion. A Paradox in Art and Society takes place at Nieuw Dakota, a space for contemporary art in Amsterdam, Amsterdam.

Compassion. A Paradox in Art and Society investigates what space an artwork can occupy in the public domain, how it can draw attention to ethical issues in society, and how it can spur individuals and groups into action. The book combines theoretical and philosophical views on compassion with actual artistic interventions, taking the conceptual artwork Flag of Compassion as its starting point. Through the investigation into this artwork, the ethical role of art is questioned: its autonomy, its role in social and philosophical issues, and its role in determining human values.

Rini Hurkmans gives a short introduction to the book Compassion. A Paradox in Art and Society.

Together with the first public launch of Compassion. A Paradox in Art and Society also the launch of Being Public, How Art Creates the Public takes place. Both books are published by Valiz, books and projects, and LAPS/Gerrit Rietveld Academie. The launch takes place at Nieuw Dakota in the context of the dynamic exhibition Making Waves. On this occasion a discussion is held about the relationship between the arts, the public and the public space.
Compassion. A Paradox in Art and Society and Being Public. How Art Creates the Public explore the interaction between art and the public. What is the relationship between art and the audience? This question is increasingly held in current debates about the social value of art. This is also the central question in the first two parts of the new Valiz series Making Public.

Jeroen Boomgaard gives a short introduction to the book Being Public. How Art Creates the Public.

On the occasion of the release of these books, directors and curators of three Dutch art institutions were invited to reflect on the link between art, institutions, and the public. Before the discussion director of Nieuw Dakota Tanja Karreman welcomes all guests, Rini Hurkmans gives a short introduction to the book Compassion. A Paradox in Art and Society and Jeroen Boomgaard to Being Public. How Art Creates the Public.
What role does the public play for art institutions, especially for institutions that aim to link art and the public domain? Binna Choi, director of Casco, Utrecht; Steven ten Thije, curator at Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; and Josien Pieterse, director at Framer Framed, Amsterdam, share their visions and viewpoints. The conversation is moderated by independent curator and writer Laurie Cluitmans. After the debate, all panellists receive a Flag of Compassion Pin from Sietske Roorda, assistant of the Lectoraat Art & Public Space (LAPS), and there is time to reflect, discuss, and toast to the arrival of these publications.

After the launch and discussion AmsterdamFM radiomaker Fabiola Veerman interviews the three editors of Compassion, Jeroen Boomgaard, Rini Hurkmans and Judith Westerveld.
You can listen to the podcast of the interview on AmsterdamFM (in Dutch only).

Text/authors: Jesse Ahlers, Nick Aikens, Sarah van Binsbergen, Jeroen Boomgaard, Pascal Gielen, Rini Hurkmans, Susan Neiman, Leonhard de Paepe, Judith Westerveld
Editors: Jeroen Boomgaard, Rini Hurkmans, Judith Westerveld