Rini Hurkmans
Flag of Compassion Archive

Amsterdam Cares

On January 17, Bob van der Mast, a board member of the Unda Foundation, donates a Flag of Compassion to the foundation Amsterdam Cares. He is very impressed by their initiative: making contact between young professionals and those in need by offering flexible volunteering, enriching both these lives.

"The purpose of your foundation floats entirely on the general human feeling of compassion. I am very touched by the story of Hedwig W–sten and Hajar in Parool on December 27, 2013, who came in contact with each other through the project of Amsterdam Cares where volunteers helped children during the summer holidays to improve their language and mathematics skills."

He presents a Flag to the foundation to express his appreciation for their initiative, and to give them the opportunity to employ it as a visible sign of compassion.

Read the story by Marlene van Reiden, City manager Amsterdam Cares.
