Sonsbeek 2008: Grandeur

The first official presentation of Flag of Compassion takes place during the Sonsbeek 2008: Grandeur exhibition from June 13 to September 21.
A monumental copy of the Flag of Compassion flies on an 11-meter-high flagpole in Park Sonsbeek, Arnhem.
During the opening's procession of the exhibition Sonsbeek 2008: Grandeur, on June 8, the Flag is carried by a flag twirler accompanied by a drummer. Both men walk in front of the work The White Shroud that it is carried by the Guild of Red Cross Volunteers and the Members of Martial Arts Clubs.

On June 13 a copy of the Flag of Compassion is presented –special edition nr. 1/50– to HM Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands.

Several times during the exhibition, a flag twirler is performing a Flag Prayer in the park. A Flag prayer is a traditional and historical flag performance; the twirlers wave a pattern with the flag to symbolically express the fight against evil and injustice, how good conquers evil.

The sale of the Flag of Compassion starts at the shop of the Sonsbeek 2008 exhibition in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The Red Cross is invited to decide the destination of the profits of the sales during the exhibition.