Rini Hurkmans
video works
Pietà, Millefleurs

Pietà, Millefleurs, del Popolo

Pietà, Millefleurs, del Popolo (fragment 00:39)

HD video
dimensions variable
12:33 min, loop, sound

The video Pietà, Millefleurs, del Popolo zooms in on men who, during the procession of the ‘Madre Pietà del Popolo’, carry a stretcher with an ancient painting depicting the Pietà on top. This large painting is decorated and surrounded by silver works and countless flowers.

The procession of the ‘Madre Pietà del Popolo’ takes place on the Wednesday during Holy Week in the historical center of the city of Trapani, Sicily. This procession happens prior to the famous Procession of the 'Mysteries of Trapani' that occurs on the Friday that week.

The video mainly shows the faces and hands of the men who very devotedly carry this heavy weight together. It is an act of perseverance, endurance and being together. The ritual of the processions in Trapani is of great value within their community.

The video ends with a shot of a woman leading the stretcher and one can hear the choir of Trapani singing a song about Mary.

Read the lyrics of the song here.

Io vorrei tanto parlare con te di quel figlio che amavi
Io vorrei tanto ascoltare da te quello che pensavi
Quando hai udito che tu non saresti più stata tua
E questo figlio che non aspettavi non era per te
Ave …

I would love to talk to you about that son you loved
I would love to hear from you what you were thinking
When you heard that you would no longer be yours
And this child you were not expecting was not for you
Ave ...

Ik zou graag met je praten over die zoon van wie je hield
Ik zou graag van je willen horen wat je dacht
Toen je hoorde dat jij niet langer de jouwe zou zijn
En dit kind dat je niet verwachtte niet voor jou was
Ave ...
