Rini Hurkmans
photo works
Pietà, Millefleurs

Pietà, Millefleurs, Prologue

Pietà, Millefleurs, Prologue

archival pigment-based inkjet print
42 x 56 cm
edition: 3 + 1AP

Pietà, Millefleurs, Prologue is the precursor to a series of works shown in September 2024 at Lumen Travo Gallery in Amsterdam.

The work Pietà, Millefleurs, Prologue is specially made for the publication (pp 108-109) Future Book(s): Sharing Ideas on Books and (Art) Publishing, edited by Astrid Vorstermans and Pia Pol, Amsterdam: Valiz, 2023.

The work is inspired by the book Lentebloemen (Alphen aan de Rijn: N Samson nv, 1939) and the millefleurs style, which was popular in French and Flemish tapestries of the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
