Rini Hurkmans

Pietà, A Reconsideration of the Gesture. Denkspoor in woord en beeld.

In the journal Roma Aeterna (issue 8.II), Hurkmans looks back to the moment in 1992 when she found and acquired the press photo of the moment just after Michelangelo's Pietà was attacked in 1972. Through images and words, she traces notions of absence and loss that have been present in her work ever since. The visual and textual contribution makes clear how these notions relate to ethics and politics and how, above all, artworks can raise questions in society. Ultimately, the contribution (in Dutch) gives insights into the work she did on the multi-interpretability of the press photo and Michelangelo's Pietà as Artist in Residence at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.

'Pietà, A Reconsideration of the Gesture. Denkspoor in woord en beeld.’ Roma Aeterna, Vol. 8, nr 2, 2020, pp. 28-67.
