The White Shroud
Sonsbeek 2008: Grandeur

The White Shroud
second-hand clothes: cotton, linen, rayon
300 x 800 cm
exhibition Sonsbeek 2008: Grandeur
The White Shroud is made of used, white clothes, mostly baby’s and children’s shirts and blouses. The clothes are sewn together – with the neck openings in one direction – and form a shroud, 3 x 8 meters in size.
The White Shroud was shown together with Flag of Compassion in the summer of 2008 at the international sculpture exhibition Sonsbeek 2008: Grandeur in Arnhem, the Netherlands.
This work reflects on the notion of absence, innocence and vulnerability.

During the opening's procession of the exhibition Sonsbeek 2008: Grandeur, on June 8, the Flag of Compassion is carried by a flag twirler accompanied by a drummer. Both men walk in front of the work The White Shroud that it is carried by the Guild of Red Cross Volunteers and the Members of Martial Arts Clubs.

Here the installation shows the film Procession on a flat screen together with the sculpture itself.
The film Procession is made during the opening procession of the exhibition Sonsbeek2008: Grandeur.