Forms of Loss
Forms of Loss
archival inkjet print on Tyvek, embroidery thread, 94 x 79 cm
plywood, 3d printed agglomerate marble, textile, embroidery thread, 30 x 100 x 30 cm
textile, embroidery thread, 80 x 120 cm
The installation Forms of Loss consists of three parts: a photograph, a reworked mass-produced statue, and a work of textile. The signal yellow returns in each work.
The photograph shows the moment just after Michelangelo's Pietà was attacked in 1972. During and after the attack, various elements got lost. With signal yellow thread, words that refer to these different forms of loss have been embroidered on the enlarged photograph.
The reproduction of Michelangelo's Pietà was made with a 3D printer and is sold to tourists in Rome. First, the sculpture was shrouded in translucent gauze, then the signal yellow embroidery thread was wrapped around it.
In the abstract textile work, the signal yellow embroidery thread that comes out of the cloth covers a deep dark blue cloth.
The signal yellow highlights, amongst others, forms of craftsmanship, sensory experience, and spirituality in the installation.
details of Forms of Loss, 2020
details of Forms of Loss, 2020
details of Forms of Loss, 2020