Floating Asylum

Floating Asylum as part of the exhibition Archipel.
Floating Asylum
wood, oil drums, metal, canvas
210 x 325 x 290 cm
exhibition Archipel, Amsterdam
The raft sculpture Floating Asylum carries a metal framework of a small room. A bed, a table, a chair, a wardrobe, and a sink are delineated in the open structure. Only the door and the window, which usually make the connection between the inner and outer space, are covered with orange-yellow canvas. The open structure makes the borders between public and private space transparent whilst the covering of the door and window opening gives a sense of safety and security. As such, the work is about physical and mental protection as well as the friction between isolation and connection.
In 1998, Floating Asylum was part of the exhibition Archipel and one of ten floating artworks in the Nieuwe Meer. The exhibition marked the tenth anniversary of the studio complex Nieuw en Meer.

Floating Asylum as part of the exhibition Archipel.

maquette Floating Asylum
wood, plastic, metal, canvas
21 x 32,5 x 29 cm

Floating Asylum on the front page of the Amsterdam-based daily newspaper Het Parool, 15-08-1998.