Rini Hurkmans

Shared and Divided

Shared and Divided 


KAAP 2011
Fort Ruigenhoek,
Groenekan, the Netherlands

1 photo work in lightbox
3 video works
1 sculptural installation

Rini Hurkmans and Hans Scholten have travelled a lot and visited cities all over the world. They look at a city as an organism that is never 'finished' and always on the move. A constant movement between what was and what will be, between places, different religions, cultures, times, between sadness and pleasure, dreams and realities.

The installation Shared and Divided is developed in Istanbul because of its unique location between Asia and Europe. Istanbul is both a meeting point for continents and a location that showcases cultural divides as well as commonalities. The works explore themes like separation and connectedness. They portray a city with its own laws, literally divided into different parts, but also shared by its occupants.

Shared and Divided I 

video work

HD video, no sound, 1:25 min, loop

The film Shared and Divided I shows abstract flowers or clouds that slowly convert into a space of two separate worlds in which large round constructions with lamps are hanging above passersby.

installation view KAAP 2011, Fort Ruigenhoek, Groenekan

Shared and Divided II 

HD video, no sound, 36:00 min, loop

Shared and Divided II is a silent film that shows the movements of ships that transport people between Europe and Asia. This film has a slow rhythm and takes the viewer along with the ships. It also shows the movements of the ships as stipulated by a choreography.

installation view KAAP 2011, Fort Ruigenhoek, Groenekan

Shared and Divided III 

HD video, sound, 4:40 min, loop
transparant screen

The video work Shared and Divided III shows a heap of children's toys, making uncontrolled movements to the sound of Turkish pop music. A shadow world that mirrors the real world.

installation view KAAP 2011, Fort Ruigenhoek, Groenekan

Shared and Divided V 

second-hand clothes: cotton, linen, rayon
electric lamp

Shared and Divided V shows hundreds of used, white baby’s and children’s clothes mostly shirts and blouses. The clothing is very precisely folded and placed in piles on the ground. Above the stacks of clothing, hangs an electric lamp with a shape of a flower. The whole installation may refer to a breeding place or a three-dimensional map of a city.
